Sarkar Group of Companies - SGC develops spot-on iOS application to empower businesses. We have an expert team of iOS app developers who build high-quality apps that solve persistent business challenges and provide a seamless user experience. Our experts help you implement the right technology stack, create an outstanding UX, and integrate the app into your existing infrastructure.

Our iOS App Development Technology Stack:

  • Swift
  • Objective C
  • JavaScript
  • Core Data
  • Unity3D
  • Cocoa Controls
  • Cocoa Touch
  • Cocos2D
  • iOS 10/9/8
  • XCode
  • Mockingbird
  • Stack Overflow

Our Process

Requirement Gathering


Delivery & Deployment

Post-deployment Support

What are the benefits of iOS App Development for your business?

  • iOS apps are the best solution for businesses when they want to monetize their business applications because Apple users are more willing to spend money on using an app as compared to Android users.
  • iOS users enjoy the benefits of perfect hardware, excellent customer support and flawless software.
  • iPhones have always been popular among the tech-savvy audiences.
  • You can tap into the bigger market. Developed countries like the US and UK have a higher number of iOS users.
  • iOS comes with a robust shield to provide protection against viruses and malware.
  • Developing iOS applications for your business directs your company towards healthy finances with higher revenue and increased ROI.
  • iOS apps are scalable
  • iOS apps have the ability to cater to investment-worthy customers/ users.

Why hire Sarkar Group of Companies - SGC for iOS App Development?

  • Professional and trained iOS App Developers.
  • Organised Development process.
  • High-performance apps.
  • On-time Delivery